Friday, August 15, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008 [12M]

Rancho San Antonio. I got a call from Jake yesterday, letting me know that he's in the area for a few days and we agreed to meet at 8AM for a run at Rancho San Antonio. We got started with my usual warm-up loop on the wildcat loop trail then climbed up Upper Wildcat Canyon trail. We paused briefly at the vista point before coming down wildcat loop trail and tagging on a few more miles on the PG&E trail. We were chatting the entire time but still moving along at a good pace. Carrying on the conversation was a bit challening on some of the hills but we made it through putting in some good climbs. It turned out to be a pretty good run overall, I was feeling good, especially for a morning run, and enjoyed having to someone to run with for a change. Time just flew by as we were catching up on each other's summer adventures. It was a good thing I got the run out of the way early as I was planning to head to Yosemite in the afternoon and I would have probably only put in a short run if I hadn't run in the morning.

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