Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tuesday PM, August 12, 2008 [13M]

San Carlos. I was originally only planning on going for the usual 8 mile Tuesday run with the Road Runners sports club. I came back and worked from home for a couple of hours and while I was getting ready to drive over to San Carlos, I thought that I could add some more mileage to the day and I figured it would be a good idea to run over, go for the 8 mile run and head back. It's 2.5 miles each way, which added up to make this a 13 miler. I was a bit on the quick side on the way over as I was trying to make it on time. I ended up having about 5 minutes to kill before we headed out with Doug. I ran with Doug for the first 5 miles or so, running just over 7 minute pace. I picked it up for the last 3 miles, getting down in the 6:20s. I chilled for a while and stretched as everyone was finishing their run before heading back home. I was a bit slower on the way back as my legs started realizing how many miles I had put in for the day. It ended up being a pretty long day, shooting the rolling week up to 83.

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